UI Kit App

Latest Version: 3.0.0

Below are the various processes involved in setting up SpotChecks in UI Kit


The SurveySparrowSdk package can also be added by navigating to your target's General panel -> In the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click on the + button -> select "Add Other "-> choose "Add Package Dependency" -> Enter the above package URL -> Click on Add Package.


Ensure that all the screens are wrapped within the Navigation Controller or Tab Bar Controller


Import the SurveySparrowSdk and initialize a variable named spotCheck.

import SurveySparrowSdk

Anonymous users

If you wish not to keep track of users' data, you can follow the below syntax for initialization.

var spotCheck = Spotcheck (
 domainName: "<your_domain>",
 targetToken: "<target_token>",
 userDetails: [:],
 variables: [:],
 customProperties: [:],
 sparrowLang: "ta", // Eg: ta, en
 isUIKitApp: true

Known Users

If you wish to keep track of users' data and perform conditional Survey triggers, you can follow the below syntax for initialization.

var spotCheck = Spotcheck (
 domainName: "<your_domain>",
 targetToken: "<target_token>",
 userDetails: [
       email: 'example@email.com',
       firstName: '<your-first-name>',
       lastName: '<your-last-name>',
       mobile: '<user_mobile>',
       uuid: '<uuid_value>' // Optional
 variables: [
       <api_identifier_of_variable>: '<variable_value>',
 customProperties: [
 sparrowLang: "ta", // Eg: ta, en
 isUIKitApp: true

Screen Track

It provides the ability to keep track of screens the users are visiting and to enable the survey trigger on that screen.

  • For every screen, it is required to override the viewDidAppear method and use the TrackScreen functionality within the method.


 override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        spotCheck.TrackScreen(screen: "your_screen_name") {
            trackScreenPassed in
            if trackScreenPassed {
                let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: spotCheck)
                hostingController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
                hostingController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
                self.present(hostingController, animated: true, completion: {})


If a survey needs to be triggered on the payment page, the name of the ScreenName should be specified in the TrackScreen function.

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    spotCheck.TrackScreen(screen: "PaymentScreen") {
        trackScreenPassed in
        if trackScreenPassed {
            let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: spotCheck)
            hostingController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
            hostingController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
            self.present(hostingController, animated: true, completion: {})

Event Track

It provides the ability to keep track of events which when triggered, will enable the survey to be popped.


    onScreen: "<your-screen-name>",
    event: [
      "<your-events-or-functions>":[:]  //eg. "onButtonPressed": [:] 
        trackScreenPassed in
        if trackScreenPassed {
            let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: spotCheck)
            hostingController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
            hostingController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
            self.present(hostingController, animated: true, completion: {})


If a survey needs to be triggered when the user completes a payment, then the TrackEvent function should be called with the respective ScreenName and optional custom properties.

     onScreen: "PaymentScreen",
     event: [ 
        "paymentComplete": [
            "email" : "naveen@surveysparrow.com",
            "paymentStatus" : true
    trackScreenPassed in
    if trackScreenPassed {
        let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: spotCheck)
        hostingController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
        hostingController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
        self.present(hostingController, animated: true, completion: {})

Make sure to have the eventName configured in the Checks section of the configure panel

Callbacks (Optional)

Callbacks are used to listen to events that are part of the SpotChecks. Below are the events:

  • Survey Response - triggers when the user submits a response.

  • Survey Loaded - triggers when the SpotChecks is loaded on the user's page.

  • Survey Close - triggers when the SpotChecks is closed by the user.


// Step 1: Add callbacks to the SpotChecks Initialization
var spotCheck = Spotcheck(
    surveyDelegate: SsDelegate()

// Step 2: Listen to the SpotChecks events
class SsDelegate: UIViewController, SsSurveyDelegate {
    func handleSurveyResponse(response: [String : AnyObject]) {}
    func handleSurveyLoaded(response: [String : AnyObject]) {}
    func handleSurveyValidation(response: [String : AnyObject]) {}
    func handleCloseButtonTap() {}

Last updated